Magento 2 Integration

Install ReferralCandy on your Magento 2 store

Adam avatar
Written by Adam
Updated over a week ago

This guide will help walk you through how to integrate your Magento 2 store with ReferralCandy.

If you are using Magento version 2.0 and above, and you can install a module via Composer or have someone on your team who can install modules via Composer, you can use ReferralCandy with your Magento store.

If not, you can follow this Email Integration guide instead.

Server side setup

To install the ReferralCandy module via Composer, please follow the steps below:

  1. Install the referralcandy/magento2-module-integration package from Composer:

    composer require referralcandy/magento2-module-integration
  2. Update the Composer your project's dependencies:

    composer update
  3. Enable the module using the magento-cli:

    bin/magento module:enable ReferralCandy_Integration
  4. Perform a setup upgrade:

    bin/magento setup:upgrade
  5. Run the code compiler for Magento:

    bin/magento setup:di:compile
  6. Flush your store's cache (recommended by Magento after module installations)

    bin/magento cache:flush

After installation, follow the steps below to configure the module.

Admin dashboard setup

  1. Log in to your store's admin panel.

  2. Navigate to STORES and click Configuration.

  3. On the configuration page, a new section called REFERRALCANDY should be available. Navigate to REFERRALCANDY and click General.

  4. Copy and paste the necessary values for APP ID, API Access ID, and API Secret Key, which can be found on your My Profile page under the "API Tokens" section.

  5. Enable the module, and click on Save Config.

That's it! Your Magento store is now integrated with ReferralCandy!

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